
Broken Window Fallacy

(also known as: glazier's fallacy)

Description: The illusion that destruction and money spent in recovery from destruction, is a net-benefit to society.  A broader application of this fallacy is the general tendency to overlook opportunity costs or that which is unseen, either in a financial sense or other.

This fallacy goes far beyond just looking for the silver lining, thinking positive, or making the best of a bad situation.  It is the incorrect assumption that the net benefit is positive.

Logical Form:

Disaster X occurred, but this is a good thing because Y will come, as a result.

Example #1:

Dad, I actually did America a favor by crashing your car.  Now, some auto shop will have more work, their employees will make more money, those employees will spend their money, and who knows, they might just come to your store and buy some of your products!

Explanation: I actually tried a variation of this argument when I was a kid -- it didn’t work, but not only did it not work, it is fallacious reasoning, and here is why: by crashing the car, a produced good is destroyed, and resources have to go into replacing that good as opposed to creating new goods.

Example #2:

The Holocaust was a good thing overall.  It educated future generations about the evils of genocide.

Explanation: This is a real argument, I kid you not.  People tend to overvalue their own gain (the education) and devalue the losses that are unseen (the unimaginable suffering of the victims and their families). 

Exception: It might be the case when some kind of destruction actually can benefit society -- like in lightning striking the local crack house, and a soup kitchen being reconstructed in its place.

Tip: Be sensitive when looking for the best of a bad situation, keeping in mind all those who may have suffered. In your statement of optimism or hope, be sure to show compassion as well.

The Holocaust was a horrible event in human history, and the damage that resulted will never be forgotten. As with most tragedies, they can be used to educate us, helping us to prevent similar future events.


Russell, D. (1969). Frederic Bastiat: ideas and influence. Foundation for Economic Education.

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Uncomfortable Ideas: Facts don't care about feelings. Science isn't concerned about sensibilities. And reality couldn't care less about rage.

This is a book about uncomfortable ideas—the reasons we avoid them, the reasons we shouldn’t, and discussion of dozens of examples that might infuriate you, offend you, or at least make you uncomfortable.

Many of our ideas about the world are based more on feelings than facts, sensibilities than science, and rage than reality. We gravitate toward ideas that make us feel comfortable in areas such as religion, politics, philosophy, social justice, love and sex, humanity, and morality. We avoid ideas that make us feel uncomfortable. This avoidance is a largely unconscious process that affects our judgment and gets in the way of our ability to reach rational and reasonable conclusions. By understanding how our mind works in this area, we can start embracing uncomfortable ideas and be better informed, be more understanding of others, and make better decisions in all areas of life.

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