I am confused about this fallacy.Sorry but something is not clicking when i read the page about, "Shoehorning". It is probably mostly because it sounds like something that has already been covered, trying to, "stuff in" your narrative would sound like: cherry picking if you are only going to mention the things that make it sound like why this is a part of this. red herring if the information truly has nothing to do with what you are claiming fits it. logic chopping if the correlation is so minimal that you choose to, "split hairs" by talking about the smallest link, like for instance if someone says, "Oh so you are eating food x and food x causes a disease called disease x which was highly prevalent in russia during the russian revolution, so therefore you must have something to do with communism!". no true scotsman If someone is trying to prove that china isn't a country mostly ran by communists because, "A real country ran by real communists would do thing x" this would be called, "shoehorning" the narrative that china isn't a country ran by communists. Is this like a broad fallacy because so many fallacies can override it, not just 1 or 2, and the examples are extremely long that its hard to spot what the fallacy even is.
asked on Thursday, Feb 17, 2022 07:58:12 PM by Shawn | ||||
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This book is a crash course, meant to catapult you into a world where you start to see things how they really are, not how you think they are. The focus of this book is on logical fallacies, which loosely defined, are simply errors in reasoning. With the reading of each page, you can make significant improvements in the way you reason and make decisions.
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I agree with Shawn that this, like many fallacies, has elements of several other fallacies.
answered on Friday, Feb 18, 2022 11:58:41 AM by Ed F | |
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