Is Affirmative Action a form of tokenism?I have read the tokenism fallacy and from what I am getting it's based on practice that is rather based on symbolism than any producible purpose. So assuming that everyone is equal in gender, race, and ethnicity (because that is the literal perception of people who advocate for affirmative action) in order to produce good merit, isn't it rather symbolic to get more coloured people into the working space or is there any argument that defends this because I see this rather as tokenism ? thanks. |
asked on Monday, Jan 17, 2022 06:22:41 PM by Corvin | |
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This book is a crash course, meant to catapult you into a world where you start to see things how they really are, not how you think they are. The focus of this book is on logical fallacies, which loosely defined, are simply errors in reasoning. With the reading of each page, you can make significant improvements in the way you reason and make decisions.
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Not necessarily From an advocate's point of view: certain groups have historically been (and in many ways, still are) treated unfairly because of how they were born. Thus, they have accumulated disadvantages, notably in the workplace (since they were discriminated against in hiring, payment etc). Thus, to correct these historical and ongoing injustices, it is morally acceptable (or even right) to give members of these groups a 'helping hand', so they can get back on level terms with members of the majority group. It's only tokenism if it's a half-hearted afterthought with no meaningful intention to improve diversity, or purely done so that it can be used as a defence against criticism later on. |
answered on Tuesday, Jan 18, 2022 04:12:58 AM by TrappedPrior (RotE) | |
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