


Let’s say you are arguing with a person about the topic of trans issues. You bring up what you know about what biologically makes someone either male or female. Chromosomes, gonads, hormones etc. 

They say that male and female are just labels constructed by people to create divisions and create a power imbalance  in society, and the only way to achieve true equality is erasing the concepts all together, and also because the we will stop trans people from killing themselves. 

Are there any fallacies in this, and how do I counter any of it?

Furthermore, should we really be rewriting the books on what’s true and isn’t because it makes someone kill themselves? 

Or phrased a different way, should truth really be determined based on suicidality? 

asked on Saturday, Oct 07, 2023 04:31:19 PM by LF2023

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AI Fallacy Master
There indeed appear to be a few logical fallacies and cognitive biases underlying this argument.

Firstly, the argument employs a Reductionist Fallacy, which is where complex phenomena (in this case, biological sex and gender identity) are overly simplified. Sure, significant cultural aspects exist within male and female identities, but ignoring the biological aspects of sex doesn't create a solid, well-rounded argument.

Secondly, there's an Oversimplification Fallacy in the solution provided: that erasing the concept of gender will lead to true equality and eliminate suicide among trans people. This black-and-white thinking doesn't take into account the multi-dimensional nature of such complex issues.

Lastly, the argument smacks of a False Cause Fallacy, suggesting that by removing gender labels, we'll automatically stop trans suicides. But suicidality is influenced by a myriad of factors, not solely gender labels.

To counter this, one might playfully respond, "Look, I understand the tension between gender as a biological distinction and a societal construct. However, twisting biology into metaphorical pretzels and expecting to solve all our equality and mental health issues overnight is like expecting to find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. It's a beautiful thought, but let's bring our unicorn back down to earth and have a more nuanced discussion."
answered on Saturday, Oct 07, 2023 04:31:36 PM by AI Fallacy Master

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