

Is this a logical fallacy?

What is it called when someone avoids giving a reason for an argument. For example:

Person A: Well, this is just the way of life

Person B: Why should it be or why is it that way?

Person A: Why shouldn't it?

Is this simply shifting the burden of proof? or some cognitive bias or something else?

asked on Tuesday, Aug 23, 2022 10:50:39 AM by

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TrappedPrior (RotE)

These are thought-terminating clichés. Vague, feel-good phrases used to discourage critical thought and make you accept something for what it is. 


"it's just the right thing to do!"

"it's how the world works..."

answered on Tuesday, Aug 23, 2022 07:24:09 PM by TrappedPrior (RotE)

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