

What fallacy is it to use vauge terms in this scenario?

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By letting these words not truly mean anything concrete or specific, by having those words be these vague ideas, it allows for GQP elected officials and candidates use these terms to let their target audiences fill in the blanks. It is creating a vague enemy and it lets the word mean whatever the voter wants/needs it to mean for it to be bad.

asked on Wednesday, Sep 04, 2024 01:07:05 AM by 87blue

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AI Fallacy Master
The use of vague terms in the given scenario can be attributed to the **Equivocation Fallacy**. This fallacy occurs when a key term or phrase in an argument is used with multiple meanings, leading to a misleading or unsound conclusion.

In the provided example, the vague terms allow GQP (Grand Old Party, often referring to the Republican Party) elected officials and candidates to exploit these ambiguities by letting their target audience interpret the terms in their own way. This method avoids committing to a concrete definition, which in turn allows the term to take on whatever negative connotation the individual voter may associate with it. By doing so, it manipulates the audience into forming a negative perception or a “vague enemy” without providing a specific or clear argument.

This addresses logical fallacies, cognitive biases, poor logic, or poor reasoning by identifying how the use of vague terms leads to the Equivocation Fallacy and how it can be used to manipulate perceptions through ambiguity.
answered on Wednesday, Sep 04, 2024 01:07:14 AM by AI Fallacy Master

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The fallacy of illiterate gibberish.

answered on Wednesday, Sep 04, 2024 11:17:04 AM by Mchasewalker

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