

Why is this fallacy not mentioned?

Dr. Bo put the Planning fallacy about at the end of the book where the, "cognitive biases" are mentioned instead of the fallacies yet he accepted the fact that it is also a fallacy but it is not mentioned in the section of fallacies?

asked on Monday, Feb 07, 2022 05:16:55 PM by

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Bo Bennett, PhD

It didn't meet my criteria for the a fallacy worthy of its own page in the book. It more of a cognitive bias than a problem with reasoning.

answered on Tuesday, Feb 08, 2022 09:34:59 AM by Bo Bennett, PhD

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TrappedPrior (RotE) writes:

It's even described as a cognitive bias on Wikipedia, IIRC.

For OP - in everyday terminology, the word 'fallacy' is much broader than the strict definition used by logicians, which focuses on errors in  logical  reasoning. Outside of classical logic, 'fallacy' is often used to refer to a mistaken belief (e.g. the 'just-world fallacy', which is not an  error  in logic, but an incorrect worldview).

Therefore, something called 'fallacy' isn't necessarily...a fallacy!

posted on Tuesday, Feb 08, 2022 09:42:29 AM

I'll answer for Dr. Bo......."holy crap, someone actually read my book" I kid

answered on Tuesday, Feb 08, 2022 03:37:07 AM by skips777

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