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Spiritual Fallacy

(also known as: spiritual excuse)

Description: Insisting that something meant to be literal is actually “spiritual” as an explanation or justification for something that otherwise would not fit in an explanation.

Logical Form:

X makes no sense; therefore, X was meant in a “spiritual” sense.

Example #1:

Of course, the Koran is not a history or science book, but each and every story in it does contain a spiritual truth.

Explanation: Because we cannot define or prove a “spiritual truth”, anything can be a spiritual truth.

Example #2:

Harold Camping, the preacher who predicted the rapture in 2011, said that the rapture actually did come, but it was a "spiritual" rapture.  Of course, there is no way to demonstrate this.

Explanation: We can’t use “spiritual” as a get-out-of-jail-free card to cover up an apparent contradiction.

Exception: It is not a fallacy when it is specifically referred to as “spiritual”.

“and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ.” (1 Cor 10:4)

Tip: Next time you get pulled over for speeding, tell the cop you were only “spiritually” speeding. See if that works.


This is an original logical fallacy named by the author.

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Eat Meat... Or Don't.

Roughly 95% of Americans don’t appear to have an ethical problem with animals being killed for food, yet all of us would have a serious problem with humans being killed for food. What does an animal lack that a human has that justifies killing the animal for food but not the human?

As you start to list properties that the animal lacks to justify eating them, you begin to realize that some humans also lack those properties, yet we don’t eat those humans. Is this logical proof that killing and eating animals for food is immoral? Don’t put away your steak knife just yet.

In Eat Meat… Or Don’t, we examine the moral arguments for and against eating meat with both philosophical and scientific rigor. This book is not about pushing some ideological agenda; it’s ultimately a book about critical thinking.

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