Description: A circular definition is defining a term by using the term in the definition. Ironically, that definition is partly guilty by my use of the term “definition” in the definition. Okay, I am using definition way too much. Damn! I just did it again.
Logical Form:
Term 1 is defined by using term 1 in its definition.
Example #1:
Circular definition: a definition that is circular.
Explanation: The definition is not at all helpful because we used the same words in the term to define them.
Example #2:
Flippityflu: smarter than a Floppityflip.
Floppityflip: dumber than a Flippityflu.
Explanation: Here we have two definitions that result in a slightly larger circle, but a circle nonetheless.
Exception: Many definitions are circular, but in the process of defining, there might be enough other information to help us understand the term.
Ethics: moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.
Moral Principles: the principles of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual or a social group.
Principles of Right and Wrong: moral principles or one's foundation for ethical behavior.
Tip: Don’t be too quick to call “fallacy” with this one. As demonstrated in the definition, some words in the term can be reused if they are commonly understood.
Nimbus cloud: A cloud that produces precipitation.

Lavery, J., & Hughes, W. (2008). Critical Thinking, fifth edition: An Introduction to the Basic Skills. Broadview Press.
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Reason: Books I & II
This book is based on the first five years of The Dr. Bo Show, where Bo takes a critical thinking-, reason-, and science-based approach to issues that matter with the goal of educating and entertaining. Every chapter in the book explores a different aspect of reason by using a real-world issue or example.
Part one is about how science works even when the public thinks it doesn't. Part two will certainly ruffle some feathers by offering a reason- and science-based perspective on issues where political correctness has gone awry. Part three provides some data-driven advice for your health and well-being. Part four looks at human behavior and how we can better navigate our social worlds. In part five we put on our skeptical goggles and critically examine a few commonly-held beliefs. In the final section, we look at a few ways how we all can make the world a better place.
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